Water vs Air (and the fire within me)

It seems I now find myself in the middle of flu season in Japan. Slowly, more and more children are disappearing from classes, whisperings of 'infuruenza' abound. The room is freezing cold from the windows having being left open for the last 5 minutes. I look down at my remaining students and most, if not all, are half-hiding their faces with the ever popular face-mask. And I scream internally. Because to me, this is all wrong . Let me backtrack, and begin with a point that I believe you will all be familiar with: it really upsets me how Japanese people don't wash their hands thoroughly, if at all. Which is an issue, seeing as it is now 'influenza season', and for me at least, I have been taught that one of the best ways to prevent the spread of influenza is to wash your hands (plus cover your mouth with your arm when you sneeze and cough; you know, standard stuff). Therefore, this lack of hand-washing is an increasing source of frustration for me. However, it s...